Well Jonah definately did it right. We had a great meal and then a fun filled evening. We ended up at the New Orleans Film Festival party at the founddation room. It was nice to have the posse together for a night. I ended up splitting up with the guys aroun 4 and going off on my own. I walked home in the middle of TS Mathew. I was pushed around by the wind and pelted with rain. Lara waited up for me and we chatted about the evening. I had this mysterious brown funk on my leg and foot. We ended up figuring out that it was a pack of ciggys that got soaked in my pocket. They excreted there nasty funk all over me. I woke up and immidiatly went to the game. I hung out with my usual game day friends. I spent the night catching up on my cartoons. I <3 teenage hunger force.