After an allnighter working on creating an intro for a new plugin and then going to work all day, I met Lara at the bus stop to walk her home. We were both so out of it from lack of sleep. The funny thing is we couldnt fall asleep once we got to the house. I think we were to wound up. We decided to chill out and watch my new favorite TLC program Overhaulin'. I am obsessed with show. I want to buy an old car and move to LA just to be eligable to be on the show. After watching the show we decided to go meet up with a friend of ours who is moving to New York today. We went to mollys to meet her and I ended up talking to a local tattoo artist, Walt about none other than Overhaulin'. Just about every guy around us had seen the same show. It was pretty funny how excited everyone got about a 62 Ford Falcon. Me and Lara got home pretty early and we were finally able to get some sleep.